Friday, May 8, 2009

Letterman's Top Ten Reasons President Barak Obama Delayed the Use of Deadly Force on the 'Somali Pirates

Dave Letterman's TOP TEN

The Top Ten Reasons President Barak Obama
Delayed the Use of Deadly Force on the 'Somali

10. They are potential campaign donors for 2012.
9. One looked like a former neighbor.
8. All were carrying DNC cards.
7. When BO's staff identified them as
Barak Obama
thought they were from Pittsburgh.
6. Two of the four were registered with
5. Didn't want to support the use of
firearms for protection,
thus backing
the stance of the 'NRA'.
Wanted positive confirmation that they were
in fact,
Not members of
the Rainbow Coalition.
3. The Tele-prompter was broken and he had
nothing to say.
2. No Photo-op existed.
and the Number # 1 reason
1. They may be Relatives.

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